Tag Archives: oral cancer awareness

Oral Cancer Prevention

Oral cancer occurs more often in men. However, the number of women with tongue cancer has increased in recent years. Oral cancer does not receive a lot of attention in the news, but it’s a type of cancer you should be aware of, recognize its signs and know how to avoid.

With many types of cancers, preventative steps can be taken and lifestyle changes can be made to reduce the risk of developing oral cancer.

Lifestyle Changes

Doctors cannot always explain why one person gets cancer and another does not. However, numerous studies have been performed on cancer to learn what things around us and what things we do in our lives increase our chances of developing cancer.

Tobacco use (cigarettes, pipes, cigars and smokeless tobacco) is linked to the vast majority of oral cancer cases. People who consume excessive amounts of alcohol, particularly beer and hard liquor, are also high risk factors for developing oral cancer.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and tobacco over a long period of time dramatically increases the chances for developing oral cancer.

Based on the studies and the statistics, people who use tobacco products should stop and alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

Eating a healthy, well balanced diet and limiting exposure to the sun are also important lifestyle habits in the prevention of oral cancer.

Conduct Monthly Self Exams

It’s extremely important to catch oral cancer early. Taking a few minutes each month to perform a self examination can help alert you to the initial signs of oral cancer.

Using a mirror and a bright light, inspect your lips and the front of your gums both visually and by feel. Tilt your head back and examine the roof of your mouth. Pull your checks out to view the inside of your mouth, the lining of your cheeks, and the back gums. Pull out your tongue and look at all surfaces as well as the floor of your mouth. Look at the back of your throat. Take both hands and feel for lumps or enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of your neck and under your lower jaw.

If you see or feel anything suspicious, contact your dentist and have him or her review the area with their trained eyes and professional equipment.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

See your dentist on a routine schedule. Even though you may conduct monthly oral cancer self exams, dangerous spots or sores in the mouth can be extremely small and difficult to detect on your own.

The American Cancer Society recommends oral cancer screening exams every three years for people over age 20 and annually for those over age 40.  During your next dental appointment, ask your dentist to perform an oral exam. Early detection greatly improves the success for treating oral cancer.

April is Oral Cancer Awareness month and throughout the month, Akron and Canton area dentists, Dr. James George and Dr. Mark Grucella have been educating the public about oral cancer and stressing the importance of having regularly scheduled oral cancer screenings performed by a dental care professional.  To read more about oral cancer, please visit www.akroncantondentist.com.

No matter what your dental issue or how long it’s been since you have seen a dentist, Dr. James George and Dr. Mark Grucella only care about one thing… Making You Smile!  

It’s Time to Become More Aware of Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer Awareness in AkronApril is Oral Cancer Awareness month in the United States. This type of cancer doesn’t receive a lot of attention. However, the fatality rate for oral cancer is higher than cancers that you hear about more frequently such as skin cancer.

These rates are higher not because of difficulties diagnosing, but due to delays in discovering the disease.

It’s important to understand what oral cancer is all about and realize the significance of having regularly scheduled oral cancer screenings performed by a dental care professional in order to prevent or diagnose the disease early.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral Cancer is cancer of the mouth and is a type of head and neck cancer. Oral Cancer first appears as a growth or a sore somewhere in the mouth that does not go away. It typically occurs on the lips or tongue but may also appear on the lining of the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth or floor of the mouth.

Often times, oral cancer is discovered after it has spread into other areas of the body.  When it does spread, the prognosis is significantly worse than if it is caught while localized in the mouth.

Unless regularly screened for oral cancer, the early stages of this disease can be hard to notice. Oral cancer can grow without causing pain or discomfort.

Who is Likely to Get Oral Cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women.  Men over age 50 face the greatest risk.

While anyone could contract oral cancer regardless of their lifestyle, the most common risk factors include:

  1. Smoking:  Cigarette, cigar and pipe smokers are six times more likely to develop oral cancers than non-smokers.
  2. Smokeless Tobacco: People who use chewing tobacco and similar type products are nearly 50 times more likely to contract cancer of the cheeks, lips and gums.
  3. Alcohol:  Oral cancers are six times more common in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol compared to people who do not drink.
  4. Family:  Those people with a family history of cancer are at a higher risk for oral cancer.

Focus on Oral Cancer

Throughout the month of April, Akron and Canton area dentists, Dr. James George and Dr. Mark Grucella will be focused on educating the public about oral cancer and stressing the importance of having regularly scheduled oral cancer screenings performed by a dental care professional. They will also be offering huge savings on oral cancer screenings.  To learn more, please visit www.akroncantondentist.com.

No matter what your dental issue or how long it’s been since you have seen a dentist, Dr. James George and Dr. Mark Grucella only care about one thing… Making You Smile!